
About Phillis Award

In view of the amazing support, even from far away, we would like to summarize this project for those who aren’t fluent in German: In memory of Philipp „Phillis“ Timmermann (#4), a great Hardfisch Hamburg, Flying Angels Bern and Team Germany player, his friends and family have initiated an award to support young ultimate players by giving them the opportunity to take part in a National Ultimate Training Camp (NUTC) in the U.S. This project intends to promote the development of junior ultimate as well as intercultural exchange and the idea of fair-play that is known as „spirit of the game“. Each year the Phillis Award will cover the costs for the participation in the camp (including travel, camp, ESTA, insurance, etc.) for one junior player aged 14-18 years.

About NUTC

The National Ultimate Training Camp of Amherst, MA, was founded in 2001 and is the oldest overnight ultimate camp in the U.S. The camp is designed for campers aged 14-18 years and runs throughout the month of July in separate sessions Saturday through Thursday. There is detailed information at http://nutc.net/ and on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-National-Ultimate-Training-Camp.

The National Ultimate Training Camp has some of the finest players and coaches in the U.S. as part of its staff. They regularly have Callahan winners on staff (the Callahan award is given annually to the most valuable male and female college player) as well as coaches and players who have led teams in national and international competition.

About Phillis

Phillis played ultimate for almost 20 years. And as a member of the club teams Hamburg Hardfisch and Flying Angels Bern as well as Team Germany (aka „Inside Rakete“), he had many friends in the world-wide ultimate community. He died from a brain tumor on 21 June in 2012 at the age of 33 years.

When diagnosed with the malignant brain tumor, Phillis began the single greatest battle of his life and met the challenge with his natural intensity. After four operations and ongoing chemotherapy, when it eventually became clear that he would no longer win this battle – a realization that distinguishes a great athlete in ultimate – he came to terms with the defeat and found his peace with it.

In this way Phillis gave the rest of us the feeling that it was, in fact, not a loss, but rather a consummate match: the kind you could enjoy every day and every second. And were he here today given the choice, he would have chosen the same path (perhaps with a few small adjustments to a handful of throwing choices…).


Anyone who would like to support the Phillis Award is warmly invited to contact us. We are happy about any suggestions to improve the project and any other ideas or questions you might have. Please contact us at: kontakt at phillis-award.de

Furthermore, any financial support for the Phillis Award is, of course, much appreciated. Donations should be transferred to the following account:

Account holder: 1. Ultimate Club Hamburg Fischbees 00 e.V.
Account number: 1281128478
Bank identification code: 20050550
Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse, Hamburg

IBAN: DE66200505501281128478

Please fill-in the purpose for the transfer as follows: „Phillis Award

If you need a donation receipt, please contact: kassenwart at fischbees.de